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Try to draw Example
General Drawing Works
Draw steel pile (section)
Draw steel pile (front view)
Draw front view of R.C.D pile
Draw rounded surfece
insert Section arrow
Insert Elevation mark and Write Elevation
Draw break line(thunder shape)
Draw slop lines that express inclined surface
Draw name of surface
Draw slop mark(%)
Insert ground surface mark
Insert water level mark
Draw slope ratio
Write text on circle or arc
Draw break line (Wave shape)
Cut the pipe and draw cutting mark
Cut and mark with wave shape
Draw leader
Draw leader that has several arrow head
Draw leader that has several arrow head(straight type)
Insert bearing type mark
Direction mark
Draw boring log
Insert Design Method(Allowable/Ultimate)
Draw Line by slop and slop mark
Start point or End point of Bridge
Insert water flow direction
Insert north mark
insert concrete mark
Draw position mark of boring
Insert embankment mark
Draw plan view of rounded embankment
Draw plan view of embankment
Draw section line of embankment
Draw Note Box
Draw stairs for abutment inspection (plan)
Draw lane mark
Draw Structure
Draw section of PSC beam bridge
Draw pier side view using dialog box
Draw piles using dialog box
Draw section of abutment
Draw retaining wall section using Dialog box
Draw concrete barrier (h=1.080m)
Draw concrete barrier (h=1.350m)
Draw center barrier(h=890mm, half type)
Insert center barrier-1(h=890mm, Intergrated type)
Insert center barrier-2(h=1350mm, Intergrated type)
Draw concrete bracket
Draw base concrete
Draw approach slab (Concrete pavement type)
Rebar Workds
Rebar mark type-1(Only circle)
Rebar mark type-2(Only circle)
vRebar mark type-3(Only circle)
Rebar mark type-4(Only circle)
Rebar mark type-5(Only circle)
Rebar mark type-6(Only circle)
Rebar mark type-1(with under line)
Rebar mark type-3(with under line)
Rebar mark type-4(with under line)
Rebar mark type-5(with under line)
Rebar mark type-6(with under line)
Change rebar mark type
Insert front,bank,upper,lower mark
Draw plan view of main rebar of circular column
Draw front view of main rebar of circular column
Stirrup rebar (tension & compression side)
Draw rounded rebar
Draw hook rebar
Make rebar table using data file
Make rebar table using rebar details
Draw rebar that resists splitting forces
Draw bearing block
Array linear between seclected two point
Array linear referencing inclined line
Steel Structure Works
Draw splice plate using dialog box
trim between lines
trim between lines(make gap both side)
trim between lines(make gap one side)
Offset 2 side at once
Draw taper of steel plate thickness(1:5)
Draw welding symbol
Draw gusset plate
Dimension Horizontal
Dimension Vertical
Dimension Aligned
Dimension Circle or Arc
Dimension Oblique
Up and Down dimension text
Edit text with Dialog box In succession
Change Scale of Dimensions
Convert to Oblique dimension adjusting exist line
Draw Dimension that sum existing dimensions
Radius MARK
Add skewed distance on existing dimension
Do Measure on Arc
Divide a part of Arc
Do Measure on Line
Divide a part of Line
Change Text Height
Align texts to vertical line
Align texts to horizontal line
Edit selected texts in order
Exend line by distance
Change a part of line to hidden line
Rotate text referancing slop of line or circle
Offset several times
Array polar between seclected two point
Break a entity at a point
Change diameter of Circle at once
Change diameter of donut at once
Copy Text Content
View font code table for Civil engineering(djdg.shx)
Rotate referance
Plus number on number text
Delete all lines that is shorter then specified length
Draw circle or box on existing text
Write numbers in sequence
Apply arithmetic to number text
Draw table using data file that made of "+", "-", "|"
Write coordinate
Make coordinate list of selected points
Write distance between two points
Write length of line
Plot selected borders
Plot all borders
Read coordinates data file and Draw line
Draw table
Draw section of excavation
Draw camber
Break all across points
Make border for auto plot
Plot borders automatically
Write current file name on drawing
Draw bending moment diagram
Do Wblock saving file name is selected text
Solid hatch
Put all solids back
Do Solid hatch double line text
make data file for G-Section
Draw Parabola
Copy Entities to Hatch layer
plot to eps file
Other Functions
Find the point that is far from your point on the arc
Measure distance between two points on the arc
Change Color
Change line type
View font code table for Civil engineering(djdg.shx)
[DJDG] for Excel
Excel to CAD Table
CAD text to Excel
Excel data to CAD Pline
CAD Pline to Excel
SAP2000 element force to Excel
CAD sectin property to Excel
Functions for Civil Engineers
Vertical translation curve
Eqation to text
Required rebar area
Used rebar area
Concatenate cell to text
Equatin text to Value
Chapter 6 [Dimension]
This menu is a collection of programs that help you with dimension. If the DIM variables are set correctly, I think that you can easily work with this [Dimension tools]