Dimension Aligned. (DIM.ALIGNED)
File name : DA.LSP
It is similar to DH.LSP. It has @ function also. You can reference DH.LSP and DV.LSP manual.
Pick first point/Object: cen of {p1} [Pick start point(in this case, center of rebar)]
Pick second point: cen of {p2} [Pick second point. Program determine angle of demention by referencing angle {p1} and {p2}]
Pick Dimension line side: {p3} [Pick side point ]
Dimension line Level <1>:
[Enter 1 to draw level-1 dimension]
Dimension text <250>:
[Program shows distance, in this case type Enter to use that dim text]
Distance or RETURN to Pick point/eXit:
[type enter key to pick a point
Pick point: cen of {p4} [Pick a point]
Dimension text <2.700>: @300
[use @ option, division distance is 300mm(c.t.c = 300)]
Dimension text <9@300=2.700>:
[Program shows dimension text, Enter to use that dim text]
Distance or RETURN to Pick point/eXit: 250
[Enter distance that you know(250)]
Dimension text <250>:
[Program shows dimension text, Enter to use that dim text]
Distance or RETURN to Pick point/eXit: x
[enter 'x' to finish level-1 dimension]
Command: da
[Start DA command to draw level-2 dimension]
Pick first point/Object: cen of {p1} [Pick start point that is node of level 1 dimension]
Pick second point: cen of {p5} [Pick end point]
Pick Dimension line side: {p3} [Pick side point]
Dimension line Level <1>: 2
[Enter '2' to draw level-2 dimension]
Dimension text <3.200>:
[Program shows dimension text, Enter to use that dim text]
Distance or RETURN to Pick point/eXit: x
[Enter 'x' to finish DA command]