Offset several times.

Program name : FFP.LSP
When we work with curved bridge, we see that there are no commands that are likely to be in CAD.
Whatever the situation, in the slab reinforcement, We need to draw curved rebars from inside to outside. That rebars have different Radius.
I think there's a command that makes it easy to draw in CAD , But there is no command. The Array command is
useless in this case because it creates arcs with the same Radius. So you have to do offset command manually.
This program eliminates that hassle. If you Pick two points, the program calculates the distance between the two points,
divides it by the offset distance entered by the user, determines how many times to offset, and then offsets the number of times
Pick start point: end of {p1} [Pick start point]
Pick end point: end of {p2} [Pick end point]
Offset distance<2000.0>: 200
[Enter offset distance]
Select object: {p3} [Select entity offsetted]