Make coordinate list of selected points.
Program name : NUMCOOR.LSP
If you pick the points you want to get coordinates,
This program number them in order and write the coordinate values on the drawing Or make it a file.
I think it will be useful for alignment works, bearing coordinate works, modeling works, etc.
In particular, when modeling, the coordinates are obtained in m, while the drawings are drawn in mm,
It is necessary to convert mm to m. To do this we can enter a scale factor.
Start Number <1>:
[Start number = 1]
Text hight <150.0>:
[Set the height of text]
Scale factor <1.0>: 0.001
[Enter scale factor]
Pick location of Coordinate list: {p1} [Pick position of coordinate list]
Make file
(Yes/No): n
[Choose making file option]
Point# 1 Pick point: {Pick a point}
Point# 2 Pick point: {Pick a point}
Point# 3 Pick point: {Pick a point}
Point# 4 Pick point: {Pick a point}
Point# 5 Pick point: {Pick a point}
Point# 6 Pick point: {Pick a point}
Point# 7 Pick point: