Draw table using data file that made of "+", "-", "|".
  Program name : QTABLE.LSP

This program was made at 1990s. We used Quattro at that time. It was a kind of spredsheet like Excel. these days, We don't use Quattro. But we can use this program. you can make text file with "+", "-", "|" like below. This program draws a table using data file that is made of "+", "-", "|".


+-----+-----+-------+-------+-----------+-------+-----------+-------+ |NAME | DIA |LENGTH |NUMBER | TOTAL L. |UNIT W.| TOTAL W. |REMARK | +-----+-----+-------+-------+-----------+-------+-----------+-------+ | A1 | D29 | 1.200 | 24 | 28.800 | | |3% ADD | +-----+-----+-------+-------+-----------+-------+-----------+-------+ | A2 | " | 1.500 | 56 | 84.000 | | | | +-----+-----+-------+-------+-----------+-------+-----------+-------+ | SUB TOTAL | 112.800 | 5.040 | 568.512 | 0.570 | +-----+-----+-------+-------+-----------+-------+-----------+-------+ | A1 | D25 | 1.200 | 24 | 28.800 | | | | +-----+-----+-------+-------+-----------+-------+-----------+-------+ | A2 | " | 1.500 | 56 | 84.000 | | | | +-----+-----+-------+-------+-----------+-------+-----------+-------+ | A1 | " | 1.200 | 24 | 28.800 | | | | +-----+-----+-------+-------+-----------+-------+-----------+-------+ | A2 | " | 1.500 | 56 | 84.000 | | | | +-----+-----+-------+-------+-----------+-------+-----------+-------+ | SUB TOTAL | 225.600 | 3.980 | 897.888 | 0.901 | +-----+-----+-------+-------+-----------+-------+-----------+-------+ | A2 | D16 | 1.500 | 56 | 84.000 | | | | +-----+-----+-------+-------+-----------+-------+-----------+-------+ | SUB TOTAL | 84.000 | 1.560 | 131.040 | 0.131 | +---------------------------+-----------+-------+-----------+-------+ | GRAND TOTAL | 422.400 | | 1597.440 | 1.602 | +---------------------------+-----------+-------+-----------+-------+

  ¡ß Number is aligned right, and other text is aligned center. This program read above text file and draws table like below figure.